Conclusion of free medical camp in Bayda

The first free medical camp for patients with high blood pressure and diabetes was concluded at Al-Arsh Hospital in Al-Bayda governorate.

In conclusion, the governor of Al-Bayda praised the efforts of the medical staff which contributed to the success of the free medical camp and the reception, examination and treatment of cases of diabetes and heart patients from poor groups.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Major marches in Ibb under slogan ‘ Blood of free on path to victory.’

Ibb governorate witnessed major mass marches under the slogan (The blood of the free is on the path to victory).

In the marches, participants raised slogans of indignation against the Zionist and American enemies for the crimes that committed against the Palestinian people.

They affirmed their complete rejection of the coalition to protect Israeli ships, stressing that it will not dissuade the Yemeni people from their stance of faith towards the Palestinian people and resistance.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Mass march in Amran to support of people and Palestinian resistance

Amran governorate witnessed a massive public march to support of Palestine and to reject American intervention and its plans to militarize the Red Sea and threaten the security of international navigation.

The participants chanted slogans expressing support and support for the Palestinian resistance.

They expressed their pride in the heroic operations carried out by the Yemeni armed forces against the Americans and the Zionists.

The participants stressed that the Yemeni people will not stand idly by in the face of the American escalation in the Red Sea.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Antiquities General Authority team reviews archaeological sites in Al-Jawf

A team affiliated with the General Authority of Antiquities and Museums reviewed the conditions of archaeological and historical sites in Al-Jawf province.

The head of the General Authority for Antiquities and Museums – Lieutenant General Abbad Al-Hayal, explained to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the three-day visit aimed to review the conditions of the archaeological sites that the province abounds with, and the needs required to preserve them.

He stated that the team reviewed some archaeological sites, for which protection work had been carried out to preserve the antiquities, history and civilization of Yemen, which are deeply rooted in history.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Massive march in Dhamar denouncing American attack on Yemeni naval forces

Dhamar Governorate witnessed a massive public march denouncing the American attack on the Yemeni naval forces, affirming the readiness to respond to the enemy, and supporting the decisions taken by the revolutionary leadership.

The participants in the march, which toured a number of streets in the city of Dhamar, praised the operations of the armed forces in targeting the depths of the Zionist enemy, as well as targeting Israeli ships and ships heading to the occupied ports, and denounced the continued aggression and siege on the Gaza Strip.

A statement issued by the march confirmed that the blood of the great martyrs from the Yemeni naval forces who were martyred for the sake of God and in support of the Palestinian people will not be in vain, rather, it increases the faith and strength of the Yemeni people in confronting the enemy.

The statement condemned the Zionist lobby’s operations to assassinate jihad and resistance leaders, the latest of which was the assassination of the Deputy Head of the Politi
cal Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri, in the southern suburb of the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

The statement reiterated the readiness of the Yemeni people to fight the holy battle alongside the armed forces in the face of the American-Zionist enemy.

The participants in the march called on the countries neighboring Palestine to open safe land corridors so that the Yemeni people could move in the hundreds of thousands to participate directly in confronting the Zionist enemy.

They stressed the continued boycott of American and Israeli goods and products and the companies that support them… urging the peoples of the Islamic world and the free people of the world to activate this weapon as a minimum of participation in supporting the Palestinian people and resistance.

Source: Yemen News Agency