Two meetings to rally to support of Al-Aqsa in Hajjah

Two meetings held in Tihama and Qafal Shammar in Hajjah governorate to support Al-Aqsa and, mobilize in support of the mujahideen and the valiant resistance in Gaza.

The meeting confirmed the honorable Yemeni position in support of the Palestinian cause, stemming from religious, moral and humanitarian responsibility.

Source: Yemen News Agency

protest in Dhamar denouncing American attack on Yemeni naval boats

Dhamar governorate witnessed tribal and popular protests denouncing the American attack on boats belonging to the Yemeni naval forces in the Red Sea, and in support of the Palestinian people.

During the vigils, the participants expressed their support for the decisions taken by the revolutionary leadership and the Political Council to support the Palestinian people.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Major marches in Saada under slogan ‘ Blood of free on path to victory.’

Saada governorate witnessed major mass marches under the slogan (The blood of the free is on the path to victory).

In the marches, participants raised slogans of indignation against the Zionist and American enemies for the crimes that committed against the Palestinian people.

They affirmed their complete rejection of the coalition to protect Israeli ships, stressing that it will not dissuade the Yemeni people from their stance of faith towards the Palestinian people and resistance

Source: Yemen News Agency

Opening of Fatima Al-Zahra exhibition in Hajjah

The Women’s Authority in the Al-Mahbsha district in Hajjah governorate opened the exhibition of Al-Zahra, peace be upon her.

The exhibition contained sections of sweets, handicrafts, ceramics, clothing, incense, perfumes, and knitwear that embodied the Yemeni faith identity.

The statement stressed the keenness to organize activities that strengthen the connection with the Lady of the Women of the Worlds, Fatima Al-Zahra.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Protest in Hodeida warn enemy against escalation in Red Sea

Hodeida governorate witnessed massive protests to warn the American enemy of the consequences of escalation in the Red Sea.

Participants in the vigils chanted slogans of anger and rejection of American bullying and the attempt to interfere in Yemeni affairs.

They expressed their denunciation of the targeting of Yemeni naval patrols while they carrying out their national tasks in protecting the security of maritime navigation, which led to the martyrdom of ten heroes of the naval forces.

Source: Yemen News Agency