Official Statement from Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International (“Unification Church”) On the Criminal Investigation of Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Assassination

GAPYEONG, South Korea, July 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) International, commonly referred to as the “Unification Church,” offers heartfelt condolences to the family of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the people of Japan who are grieving Mr. Abe’s tragic assassination.

Following the news of Mr. Abe’s death, some news media have included uncorroborated rumors about this tragedy in their reports.

Some of these allegations were addressed at a Tokyo press conference convened by our Japanese headquarters. FFWPU International would like to share these verified facts.

What is the connection of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the “Unification Church”?

Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent brief remarks to two difference online ‘Rally of Hope’ events in the past year, which spoke on themes of peace in Asia. The events were hosted by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and other organizations, including FFWPU.

While UPF and FFWPU share the same founders, UPF is an independent NGO in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

What is the connection between Tetsuya Yamagami and the “Unification Church”?

Mr. Yamagami, is not a member of FFWPU, nor do any of our records show a past affiliation. However, our own internal investigation can confirm that his mother is a member of FFWPU and participates occasionally in church activities.

Mr. Yamagami’s reported allegation that his mother’s donations to FFWPU caused family problems is a matter to be investigated by the police. Whatever his grievances, we wholeheartedly condemn violence and murder.

We can confirm that Mr. Yamagami test-fired his homemade weapon the night before the assassination at a building that was formerly used as a FFWPU church. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Other than preliminary questions about the association of Mr. Yamagami with FFWPU, the police have not yet contacted us about this criminal investigation. Local representatives of FFWPU will fully cooperate with any inquiries from authorities and make relevant information available to the press as appropriate.

We ask that media organizations maintain their professional commitment to accuracy, impartiality, and objectivity.

FFWPU will redouble its efforts to foster a world of lasting peace. Once again, we are deeply saddened by the loss of one of the world’s great statesmen. May God’s grace and blessings be with the late prime minister, his family, the Japanese people, and those grieving around the world.

FFWPU Press Contacts:

FFWPU Africa
Mamadu Gaye
+27 (82) 964-0827;

FFWPU Asia Pacific
Demian Dunkley
+1 (619) 947-3311;

FFWPU Europe & Middle East
Peter Zoehrer
+43 664 5238794;

FFWPU Latin America
Mario Salinas
+504 3161-6632;

FFWPU North America
Nancy Jubb

Irving Street Rep – FFWPU North America Representation
Ron Lucas

UL Solutions تطلق أول طريقة اختبار لتقييم الانفلات الحراري لحاويات بطاريات السيارات الكهربائية وفحص موادها

باستخدام هذه الطريقة المطوّرة حديثًا لاختبار مواد حاويات البطاريات، يمكن للشركات المصنّعة للسيارات ومورّديها إجراء مقارنة موثوقة بين أداء مختلف المواد المستخدمة في تصنيع بطاريات السيارات الكهربائية لتعزيز سلامة هذه البطاريات.  

نورث بروك، إلينوي، 12 يوليو 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت اليوم شركة UL Solutions ، وهي شركة رائدة عالميًا في مجال علوم السلامة التطبيقية، عن إطلاقها طريقة تقييم الانفلات الحراري لحاويات البطاريات ( BETR) ،  وهي أول طريقة اختبار تُستخدم في شركة UL Solutions لتقييم المواد المستخدمة في تصنيع حاويات بطاريات السيارات الكهربائية ( EV ). وتستند هذه الطريقة إلى وثيقة UL 2596 بعنوان “طريقة اختبار الأداء الحراري والميكانيكي لمواد حاويات البطاريات” والتي نشرتها منظمة UL Standards and Engagement بتاريخ 27 يناير 2022.

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ويمثل أداء البطاريات تحديًا مستمرًا أمام تعزيز كفاءة السيارات الكهربائية؛ حيث إنّ زيادة وزن هذا النوع من السيارات -بسبب الوزن الثقيل لأنظمة بطارياتها- يؤدي إلى استهلاك البطاريات بشكل أسرع وهو ما يعني الحاجة لشحن البطاريات لعدد مرّات أكثر، وعدم إمكانية قطع السيارات لمسافات طويلة دون إعادة الشحن. ومع ذلك، تؤدي أنظمة حاويات البطاريات دورًا مهمًّا في تقليل الآثار المترتبة على خطر الانفلات الحراري، وهو خطر مرتبط باستخدام بطاريات الليثيوم أيون. ويحدث الانفلات الحراري عند حدوث حالة من السخونة الذاتية التي لا يمكن التحكم فيها لخلايا الليثيوم أيون، والتي قد تؤدي إلى نشوب حرائق وتصاعد أدخنة وارتفاع درجات الحرارة بدرجة كبيرة للغاية مع انبعاث جسيمات ملوّثة.

وفي تعليقه على هذا الخبر، قال إريك بولنغتون، مدير إدارة المنتجات في مجموعة Engineered Materials التابعة لشركة UL Solutions : “مع استمرار نمو قطاع التنقل الكهربائي، أصبحت مشكلة الانفلات الحراري مشكلة سلامة بالغة الأهمية في قطاع السيارات الكهربائية، وقد أدّت هذه المشكلة إلى زيادة الاهتمام بكيفية استخدام أفضل المواد في تصنيع حاويات البطاريات للوقاية من حدوث الانفلات الحراري. ومن خلال هذه الطريقة المبتكرة، سنتمكّن من مساعدة الشركات المصنّعة للسيارات الكهربائية على التغلب على أحد أكثر التحديات تعقيدًا في قطاع التنقل الكهربائي، كما سنتمكّن من المساهمة في تلبية الطلب المتنامي في سوق السيارات الكهربائية على المنتجات المبتكرة والموثوقة”.

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وتعمل منهجية UL Solutions المبتكرة للاختبار على تقييم أداء مواد حاويات البطاريات من خلال محاكاة السيناريوهات المحتملة للانفلات الحراري. وتتضمّن عمليات التقييم اختبار ألواح المواد بدلًا من اختبار مجموعة أجزاء البطاريات بأكملها، وهو ما يسهم في تخفيض تكاليف الاختبارات والزمن اللازم لعمليات التطوير التي تجريها شركات تصنيع الراتينج ومورّدي المواد. كما تركّز عمليات التقييم على فحص التركيبات المتعدّدة خلال مراحل البحث والتطوير لإتاحة الفرصة لمنتجي المواد لتزويد الشركات المصنّعة للمعدّات الأصلية ( OEMs ) بحلول تلبّي احتياجاتهم وتراعي تباين أداء المواد المختلفة.

وأضاف بولنغتون: “تتمتع شركة UL Solutions بتاريخ طويل من الريادة الفكرية فيما يتعلق بالبطاريات بجميع أشكالها وأحجامها، لذا، نأمل في استمرار الريادة التاريخية للشركة فيما يتعلق ببطاريات السيارات الكهربائية. ومن خلال هذه الطريقة المبتكرة، ستتمكّن UL Solutions من معالجة المخاوف المتعلقة بالبطاريات لدى الشركات المصنّعة للمعدّات الأصلية للسيارات ومورّديها، والشركات المصنّعة لمكوّنات السيارات وأنظمتها من خلال تزويد هذه الجهات بحلول اختبار وخدمات استشارية تسهم في تلبية مجموعة متعدّدة من المعايير واللوائح التنظيمية”.

عن شركة UL Solutions

شركة UL Solutions هي شركة عالمية رائدة في علوم السلامة التطبيقية، وتعمل الشركة على توفير حلول تسهم في تحويل تحديات السلامة والأمن والاستدامة إلى فرص يستفيد منها عملاؤها في أكثر من 100 دولة. كما توفر UL Solutions لعملائها خدمات الاختبار والفحص والاعتماد بالإضافة إلى البرمجيات والخدمات الاستشارية التي تدعم العملاء في ابتكار منتجات جديدة وتنمية أعمالهم. وتمثّل علامات اعتماد UL ضمانًا لموثوقية منتجات العملاء، وتظهر التزام الشركة الراسخ بالسعي لتطوير مجال السلامة. وتدعم الشركة عملاءها في ابتكار وإطلاق منتجات وخدمات جديدة، ودخول الأسواق العالمية وإيجاد حلول لمشكلات سلاسل التوريد المعقدة، وتنمية الأعمال على نحوٍ مستدام ومسؤول لإيجاد مستقبل أفضل. كما تسهم علوم الشركة التطبيقية في إيجاد ميزات تنافسية لعملائها.

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Wemade Introduces Relic System for ‘MIR4’

Wemade reveals the Relic System and Dragonworld’s Rift for ‘MIR4’

SEOUL, South Korea, July 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Wemade has unveiled the Relic System for its widely acclaimed MMORPG ‘MIR4’.

Wemade reveals the Relic System and Dragonworld's Rift for 'MIR4'.

The Relic System, which consists of a total of 10 stages, increases players’ unique stats according to the enhancement and growth level of the Relic. Each Relic has its own unique effect such as ‘attack enhancement’ and ‘HP enhancement’, and players can enhance Relics by collecting appropriate materials. Once all stats for the corresponding level are successfully enhanced, players can keep leveling up the Relic to become even more powerful.

The update also introduced Dragonworld’s Rift, a new battle content that can be played in every labyrinth throughout the MIR continent. After fulfilling all requirements by slaying a certain number of monsters, players can hunt new monsters that are spawned in designated areas within the labyrinth. When all the monsters that creep through the rift are defeated, unique and boss monsters appear for fierce battles. Defeating rare boss monsters enables players to earn treasure chests that contain rich rewards such as Epic Blue Dragon Statue, Epic Mystic Enhancement Stone, and Epic Darkened Enhancement Stone.

With the newly added Brag function, players can interact with each other by bragging and spectating XDRACO Collectibles. This function is only available in the village, and spectators can tap the Admire button to receive buff effect, while players that brag can earn in-game resources.

For more information on the update, please visit MIR4 Global.

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GameChange Solar Receives Orders for 200 MW of Genius Tracker™ Systems for Colombia

NORWALK, Conn., July 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — GameChange Solar today announced the receipt of orders for 200 MW of Genius Tracker™ systems for projects in Colombia. The systems began shipping this month.

“We are excited to have been selected for these three important projects in Colombia,” Mercedes Pereyra Boue, International Business Development Director at GameChange Solar, said. “We anticipate continued significant growth in leading markets worldwide, including the Colombian market, as a global quality leader for single axis trackers. We are working hard to provide our customers with excellent local support and training so that they can install and operate our dependable and optimized Genius Tracker™ system efficiently.”

Contact and media inquiries can be directed to Derick Botha +1 (302) 528-2125 email:

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Africa must reset food security strategies to lower dependency on others: NGO

ACCRA— Ghana and its neighbouring countries on the African continent have been urged to review their agriculture and food security strategies to reduce the dependency on other countries around the world.

The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and Africa (GMES & Africa) said this had become necessary after the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict exposed some significant gaps in the continent’s agriculture and food security strategies.

Dr Tidiane Ouattara, the Coordinator of GMES said that: “The Ukraine crisis showed Africa that food security is an issue because we depend on Ukraine for several things and on Europe also for several things. It means that Africa now has to rethink its agriculture and food security strategy.”

He noted that data acquisition and processing had become more than critical because it was a pillar for decision makers to develop good policies, and had appropriate interventions, which was being provided by space science and technology.

Dr Ouattara said this at workshop in Accra on best practices in data acquisition and data processing as an enabler for addressing daily needs of scientists and citizens as well as national development issues.

“We have to talk together to share best practices and to look at how to complement each other. Together we are stronger and Africa should speak one language,” he said.

Dr Kwame Agyekum, Marine Remote Sensing Scientist, added that data was important for Africa in utilising its resources for the benefit of the citizenry, and national development.

He said that: “You realise that Africa is endowed with a lot of resources. We have vast oceans and very fertile lands. We have realised that we need to manage these resources, but we need to collect information about these resources first.”

That, Dr Agyekum said, was being done through partnership between the African Union (AU) and European Union, adding that the meeting was to enable stakeholders strategise and “take advantage of data to make good use of our resources.”

The maiden Continental Service Workshop on Coastal and Marine Services of GMES & Africa was convened by the African Union Commission and attended by leading implementers and partners.

They include University of Ghana (UG), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Regional Economic Communities and European Technical Institutions.

The GMES & Africa phase II is a continuity of phase I of the programme that is looking at building on the achievements of the first phase.

Representatives of the five Regional Economic Communities in Africa, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, UNECA, GMES & Africa Project Management Unit and African Union Commission Departments were at the meeting.

Others were European Partners, including European Commission’s Directorate for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SMEs?(DG-GROW), European Space Agency, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, and the Joint Research Centre.

Source: Nam News Network

Eritrea, Somalia Leaders Vow Cooperation on Defense, Political Efforts

The leaders of Eritrea and Somalia have announced the signing of an agreement covering defense, security, diplomatic and political cooperation.

The agreement, finalized by Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, was reached following a four-day visit to Asmara by the new Somalia leader.

In a seven-point memorandum of understanding released Tuesday, the two leaders said they have agreed to enhance defense and security cooperation to safeguard peace, stability and security. They also have agreed to strengthen diplomatic and political cooperation, to protect and advance their national interests, and to promote relations between their two peoples, they said.

Afwerki and Mohamud said the memorandum they signed is based on historical and fraternal ties and common interests they share and on recognition that the successful fight against terrorism in Somalia is a “prerequisite for peace, stability and security, not only in Somalia but in the Horn of Africa.”

Eritrea has been training thousands of Somalia forces for nearly three years. Most of the military has received regular and specialized training, including the naval force, as well as mechanized units.

VOA Somali has reported the number of Somali troops trained in Eritrea at 5,167, a figure later confirmed by former president of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo, who sent the troops to Eritrea.

The first wave of Somali soldiers was flown from Mogadishu to Eritrea on Aug. 19, 2019. There were second and third waves in February and June 2020, respectively.

The training of the soldiers was a clandestine operation hidden from the public and the media. The program was criticized by Somali parents of the soldiers and opposition politicians. It attracted controversy after unverified media reports alleged their participation in the conflict in Tigray, a claim strongly denied by the previous Somali government. VOA Somali did not find evidence backing their alleged link to the Tigray war.

During this week’s visit, Mohamud attended a parade by the Somali forces and congratulated them for completing their military training.

According to a statement issued by the president’s office, Mohamud renewed his pledge to return the troops to Somalia and said he has told them about his plans to stabilize the country and to liberate areas still under al-Shabaab control.

“The Somali people will be excited by your sight, and the enemy will be demoralized by [your] strength,” Mohamud told the soldiers, thanking the Eritrean government.

Earlier this month, the new Somali government reported that “some” Somali soldiers died during the training, and “some” died of natural causes. No exact figure was given, but some of the soldiers who defected last year gave mixed figures, with one deserter reporting that four died, and a second soldier saying seven soldiers died.

According to one soldier who deserted and arrived in Somalia in July of last year, one died of dehydration from severe diarrhea, one was electrocuted and a third drowned in a lake while escaping from Eritrean guards.

Ali Said Faqi, the Somali ambassador to the European Union who is among just a few Somali officials to visit the soldiers’ training camp in late 2019, said the troops received “tough training” and most of them were trained as special forces. He said the original plan was that Eritrea would train them and arm them.

“That was the plan, and I believe that is still the decision,” he said.

Faqi said it’s the new president’s call to determine a policy of operation and decide about how specifically the soldiers will be deployed.

“They can participate in the fight against terrorism; they can participate in opening the highway between Afgoye and Baidoa; they can participate in the opening of the highway between Mogadishu and Kismayo,” he said. “These are young personnel who obtained the best military training.”

Somali President Mohamud last week introduced a new security strategy to counter al-Shabab, comprising a military, ideological and economic approach toward the militant group.

Meanwhile, the leader of al-Shabab, Ahmed Umar Abu Ubaidah, vowed in a new audio threat to fight the new government, asserting the group will “never allow a government that is not founded upon Islam and an administration that doesn’t fully implement Sharia [law].”

Source: Voice of America