Petal Search celebrates incredible growth on its 2nd Anniversary

Providing users with an interactive and personalised search experience for the past 2 years

SHENZHEN, China, June 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — HUAWEI’s Petal Search celebrates its 2nd year anniversary, looking back at how much the search engine has grown in the pursuit of the vision to be an All-In-One Search Engine.

Petal Search 2nd anniversary

Since Petal Search’s inception back in May 2020, the search engine has grown from strength to strength. Even as Petal Search serves on a global level, it continues to provide personalised local search results to its users. Within the past two years, the search engine has improved tremendously in all regards. Petal Search now supports more than 70 languages in over 170 countries and regions and has become a popular search engine.

Within the past two years, the search engine has improved tremendously in all regards. In addition to that, Huawei’s Petal Search continues to forge numerous partnerships with over 3,000 partners to date, working hand in hand to enrich its vast ecosystem.

2020: Building basic search capabilities  for global users

With the vital importance of online search engines in our daily lives and the simplicity of the Search bar, users are connected seamless to content on the internet. Simply by typing keywords, users can gain access to every relevant and available content online.

With that in mind, Huawei set out to create its own mobile service and search engine. After a period of gruelling tests, Huawei launch Petal Search which is pre-installed on all Huawei smartphones. And Search servers as Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) native search engine.

Building on Huawei’s 1+8+N Seamless AI Life strategy, Petal Search built on its own search capabilities in the global market to provide users with search and query capabilities based on specific technical functions and all-scenario capabilities. In November, Petal Search once again brought a variety of new features to its users. Introducing three new search verticals such as Nearby, Shopping and Travel, Petal Search provides a close loop search service for its users, directing them straight to the results without having to leave the page. Other unique tools such as weather updates, calculator and real time currency exchange rates are also provided to allow user quick access these needed services.

Petal Search reinvent the search experience

User trends are a crucial point in the development of Petal Search. With the growing use of other search methods on search engines, Petal Search provides users with Multimodal search capabilities allowing users with more ways to search for content.

Even with an overly saturated search engine landscape, Petal Search’s unique services and the elevated search experience that is offered draws more users towards selecting it as their search engine of choice.

2021: Rapid development providing users with an All-In-One search platform

Together with more than 3,000 partners, Petal Search provides users with a variety of services on one single platform further working to its goal of being an All-In-One Search Engine.

Furthermore, Petal Search upgraded its user interface for a more seamless interaction and introduced Petal GO which allows users to subscribe to a variety of Cards ranging from daily news, entertainment and many more.

To create a personalised experience, Petal Search provides localised Box services based on the different service requirements of countries and regions. For example, users who in Singapore can access the “Shared Umbrella” Box by typing those keywords into the search bar. Users will be provided with locations with umbrella sharing services.  With over 300 localised Boxes such as “Property Rental” in Madrid and “Job” in United Kingdom, users are provided with unique information based on the location they are in.

Through the introduction of its unique features and experiences, Petal Search has distinguished itself amongst the other search engines in the market.

Huawei recognises the concerns of users when it comes to Privacy and security. With all these personal information, Petal Search unites the hardware-based security and safety technologies to ensure the standards of data privacy and security for Huawei users with certified ePrivacyseal data protection and GDPR compliances. Using Privacy Center, users are allowed to choose between search modes, standard or smart, to better help in their search process.

With great growth within its first year, Petal Search continues in its journey to improving the search experience for its users.

2022: Developing the Next-Generation Search Engine

This year, Petal Search continues to be committed to become the search engine of choice for users globally. According to Statcounter’s metrics, Petal Search ranks as the top 3 Mobile Search Engines in more than 18 countries.

Petal Search continues to expand on current services, providing more than 500 new localised Box services and over 20 vertical search categories. Petal Search also continues to better under its users with improvements in its multi-modal search capabilities.

As Petal Search works on its features and functions, it continues in its commitment to helping users across the world to find what they are looking for and curate high quality content, all while keeping users’ data safe, private, and secure. In addition to the security certifications, Petal Search provides a Safe Search function to allow users to safety display search results and notify users regarding the source of information to ensure authentic results are displayed.

With the current search engines matching users with the results, they are looking for, Petal Search aims to provide users with more by connecting people to the services they need.

The team behind Petal Search continues to upgrade the search tool and offer users with an enhanced search experience. With key aspects such as all-scenario collaboration, service ecosystem, user scenarios, human connections and conversational interaction capabilities, Petal Search continues to grow and evolve to better serve users with next generation of search engines capabilities.

To download and experience Petal Search, please visit:

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‫ بيورسوفتوير تنتج جسرا “للعودة إلى العمل” للمهنيات النساء بعد أخذ استراحة من وظائفهن

سنغافورة ونويدا، الهند, 30 يونيو / حزيران 2022 /PRNewswire/ — تعمل شركة بيورسوفتوير PureSoftware على تعزيز ثقافة الدعم وتكافؤ الفرص والنمو من خلال برامج متعددة. أحد أهم هذه البرامج هو برنامج “العودة إلى العمل”، الذي تم إطلاقه في العام 2021، والذي يشجع النساء على إعادة الانخراط في حياتهن المهنية.


وفقًا لدراسة حديثة أجراها معهد  تي أف آي ريسيرتش فإن “العديد من النساء في الهند يتسربن من القوى العاملة في الشركة لتربية الأطفال ورعاية أفراد الأسرة المسنين، ولأسباب أخرى.  ولكن فقط أقل من 58٪ من النساء الهنديات يلتحقن بالعمل بدوام كامل بعد أخذ استراحة من العمل “.

من خلال برنامج “العودة إلى العمل”، توفر بيورسوفتوير فرصًا وتدعم النساء لإعادة الاندماج في العمل واستئناف حياتهن المهنية في الشركة بعد فترة انقطاع.  وهو برنامج يشمل تدريبًا منظمًا وتوجيهًا مركّزًا وخيارات عمل مرنة وتعلمًا أثناء العمل لضمان حصول المرأة على عودة ثانية ناجحة إلى العمل.

يقول سمير جاين، كبير مسؤولي الأعمال في بيورسوفتوير </967 “إن النموذج يتغير بسرعة، ويرغب المزيد من النساء في العودة إلى العمل بعد انقطاع وظيفي وبدء مسيرة مهنية 2.0.  في بيورسوفتوير، تشكل النساء 30٪ من القوة العاملة.  وفكرة أن إعادة تشكيل المهارات بشكل عادل في القوى العاملة هي جزء أساسي من نجاح وازدهار شركتنا في المستقبل.”


وفي حديثه عن برنامج العودة إلى العمل، يضيف سمير ، “برنامج العودة إلى العمل هو جسر للعودة إلى العمل مع وظيفة بدوام كامل للنساء. وهو موجه نحو تزويدهن بإمكانية الوصول إلى القيادة والموجهين المناسبين، على التدريب على الوظائف لتعزيز مهاراتهم، وتوفير الفرص لاستيعابهم مرة أخرى في القوى العاملة.  يستهدف البرنامج التعلم ورفع المهارات من خلال التوجيه ومسارات التعلم المصممة جيدًا.  لدينا الآن العديد من هؤلاء النساء اللائي يشاركن معنا ويعملن بشكل جيد للغاية.”

يسمح البرنامج للنساء باستعادة قابليتهن للتوظيف من خلال تدريب إضافي ويقدم لهن خبرة عملية في العمل على المشاريع التي تتوافق مع مجموعة مهاراتهن.  يمكن للنساء ذوات الخبرة في مجال التكنولوجيا التقدم مباشرة من خلال صفحة برنامج “العودة إلى العمل” في بيورسوفتوير.

نبذة عن شركة بيورسوفتوير PureSoftware

  بيورسوفتوير ( PureSoftware ) هي شركة عالمية لمنتجات البرمجيات والخدمات الرقمية تقود التحول لأفضل المؤسسات في العالم في مختلف قطاعات الصناعة، بما في ذلك الخدمات المصرفية والمالية والاتصالات والرعاية الصحية والألعاب والترفيه.

 للتواصل الإعلامي:

 أميتاب تشودري



Monkeypox Cases Triple in Europe, WHO Says; Africa Concerned

The World Health Organization’s Europe chief warned Friday that monkeypox cases in the region have tripled in the past two weeks and urged countries to do more to ensure the previously rare disease does not become entrenched on the continent.

And African health authorities said they are treating the expanding monkeypox outbreak as an emergency, calling on rich countries to share limited supplies of vaccines to avoid equity problems seen during the COVID-19 pandemic.

WHO Europe chief Dr. Hans Kluge said in a statement that increased efforts were needed despite the U.N. health agency’s decision last week that the escalating outbreak did not yet warrant being declared a global health emergency.

“Urgent and coordinated action is imperative if we are to turn a corner in the race to reverse the ongoing spread of this disease,” Kluge said.

To date, more than 5,000 monkeypox cases have been reported from 51 countries worldwide that don’t normally report the disease, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Kluge said the number of infections in Europe represents about 90% of the global total, with 31 countries in the WHO’s European region having identified cases.

Kluge said data reported to the WHO show that 99% of cases have been in men — the majority in men who have sex with men. But he said there were now “small numbers” of cases among household contacts, including children. Most people reported symptoms including a rash, fever, fatigue, muscle pain, vomiting and chills.

Scientists warn that anyone who is in close physical contact with someone who has monkeypox or their clothing or bedsheets is at risk of infection. Vulnerable populations such as children and pregnant women are thought more likely to suffer severe disease.

About 10% of patients were hospitalized for treatment or to be isolated, and one person was admitted to an intensive care unit. No deaths have been reported.

Kluge said the problem of stigmatization in some countries might make some people wary of seeking health care and said the WHO was working with partners including organizers of gay pride events.

In the U.K., which has the biggest monkeypox outbreak beyond Africa, officials have noted the disease is spreading in “defined sexual networks of gay, bisexual, or men who have sex with men.” British health authorities said there were no signs suggesting sustained transmission beyond those populations.

A leading WHO adviser said in May that the spike in cases in Europe was likely tied to sexual activity by men at two rave parties in Spain and Belgium.

Ahead of gay pride events in the U.K. this weekend, London’s top public health doctor asked people with symptoms of monkeypox, like swollen glands or blisters, to stay home.

Nevertheless, in Africa the WHO says that according to detailed data from Ghana monkeypox cases were almost evenly split between men and women, and no spread has been detected among men who have sex with men.

WHO Europe director Kluge also said the procurement of vaccines “must apply the principles of equity.”

The main vaccine being used against monkeypox was originally developed for smallpox and the European Medicines Agency said this week it was beginning to evaluate whether it should be authorized for monkeypox. The WHO has said supplies of the vaccine, made by Bavarian Nordic, are extremely limited.

Countries including the U.K. and Germany have already begun vaccinating people at high risk of monkeypox; the U.K. recently widened its immunization program to mostly gay and bisexual men who have multiple sexual partners and are thought to be most vulnerable.

Until May, monkeypox had never been known to cause large outbreaks beyond parts of central and west Africa, where it’s been sickening people for decades, is endemic in several countries and mostly causes limited outbreaks when it jumps to people from infected wild animals.

To date, there have been about 1,800 suspected monkeypox cases in Africa, including more than 70 deaths, but only 109 have been lab-confirmed. The lack of laboratory diagnosis and weak surveillance means many cases are going undetected.

“This particular outbreak for us means an emergency,” said Ahmed Ogwell, the acting director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control.

The WHO says monkeypox has spread to African countries where it hasn’t previously been seen, including South Africa, Ghana and Morocco. But more than 90% of the continent’s infections are in Congo and Nigeria, according to WHO Africa director, Dr. Moeti Matshidiso.

Vaccines have never been used to stop monkeypox outbreaks in Africa; officials have relied mostly on contact tracing and isolation.

The WHO noted that similar to the scramble last year for COVID-19 vaccines, countries with supplies of vaccines for monkeypox are not yet sharing them with Africa.

“We do not have any donations that have been offered to (poorer) countries,” said Fiona Braka, who heads the WHO emergency response team in Africa. “We know that those countries that have some stocks, they are mainly reserving them for their own populations.”

Matshidiso said the WHO was in talks with manufacturers and countries with stockpiles to see if they might be shared.

“We would like to see the global spotlight on monkeypox act as a catalyst to beat this disease once and for all in Africa,” she said Thursday.

Source: Voice of America

Desert Locust Bulletin 525 (1 July 2022)



• Current situation: calm in all regions

• June: rains started in summer breeding areas

• July–September: above-normal rains likely in summer breeding areas for small-scale breeding

• October: potential locust increase in African Sahel, Yemen, Indo-Pakistan border

The Desert Locust situation continued to remain calm during June.

Only low numbers of solitarious adults persisted in southeast Egypt and near irrigated areas in the Sahara of Algeria. No control operations were required during the month.

Due to a persistent La Niña, seasonal rains commenced earlier than normal as expected in some southern parts of the summer breeding areas in the northern Sahel between Mauritania and western Eritrea. Rains were heavier and widespread in Mauritania. Nevertheless, vegetation remained mostly dry but was starting to become green in parts of central Niger, the interior of Sudan, and eastern Ethiopia.

In response to a negative Indian Ocean Dipole, pre-monsoon rains fell in some areas along the Indo-Pakistan border that should cause annual vegetation to become green.

During the forecast period, small-scale breeding will occur in the northern Sahel from Mauritania to western Eritrea and along both sides of the Indo-Pakistan border. This will cause locust numbers to increase slightly but remain well below threatening levels. Limited breeding may also occur in northeast Ethiopia and in the interior of Yemen if rains fell during the forecast period.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Blind People in Cameroon Allege Police Abuse During Protests

Blind people in Cameroon were protesting this week against job discrimination when according to witnesses, police bundled them up and dumped them outside the city. Despite the alleged abuse, the protests continue.

Scores of blind Cameroonians continued a week-long protest Friday in the capital against job discrimination, despite allegations this week of police abuse.

The visually impaired braved heavy rain Thursday in Yaoundé to protest in groups of nine along seven major streets.

They raised their white canes and said the world should know that Cameroon’s police abused them every day this week while they were asking the government to provide them with jobs.

Arnaud Djikissi is a spokesperson for the protesters.

He says on day one of the protest on Monday, Cameroon police destroyed their white canes, tore dresses, and arrested and detained blind persons for up to six hours. Djikissi says on Tuesday, while they protested in front of the prime minister’s office, his group of more than 60 blind men was again abused by police. He says the police bundled them in buses, dumped blind persons outside of the capital Yaoundé, and told the sightless people to find their way back home.

When contacted by VOA, Cameroon police acknowledged clearing the streets of the blind protesters for what they said were illegal protests.

But officials at Yaoundé’s first central police station would not comment on allegations they drove blind people outside of Yaoundé and abandoned them.

Eyewitnesses told VOA that police dumped the blind protesters in different districts outside of Yaoundé, some as far as 30 kilometers away. The protesters had to call family members or appeal for rides from drivers passing by to get home.

Local media reported that blind people on Thursday protested the police abuse in towns including Bamenda, Buea and Mbalmayo.

Tancho Fidel is president of the Bamenda-based Organization for the Realization of an Inclusive Society.

“Blind people in Cameroon are not given jobs,” said Fidel. “They are considered as underdogs. When they come out to decry the situation, they are tortured. We want the Cameroon government to consider us as able people and normal human beings.”

Cameroon passed a law in 2010 mandating protections for people with disabilities, including the visually impaired.

But blind Cameroonians say most employers ignore the law, which is rarely enforced.

Cameroon’s government says there are about 600,000 blind people in the country and more than one million who are visually impaired.

Source: Voice of America

Drinking Water for More Than Three Million Residents of Rural Benin

WASHINGTON, June 30, 2022 – The World Bank today approved an International Development Association (IDA)* additional financing of $250 million to enable Benin to continue its large-scale program to provide water access to rural communities.

This additional financing strengthens the Rural Water Supply Universal Access Program-for-Results (PforR), known as AQUA-VIE. It expands access to water supply services through household connections and standpipes and provides quality water service delivery by professional staff. This additional financing will be used to build 80 new multi-village water supply systems in rural communities so as to supplement the 126 systems under construction. In the long term, the AQUA-VIE program will meet the drinking water needs of more than three million rural residents.

“Through the AQUA-VIE program, Benin has made significant strides in terms of providing rural communities with access to drinking water. This additional financing scales up the work being done to achieve the goal of universal access to drinking water,” said Atou Seck, World Bank Country Manager for Benin. “It also supports reform of the rural water supply sector, which is aimed at ensuring that communities have sustainable and lower-cost access to drinking water.

Implementation of the AQUA-VIE program has already contributed significantly to improvement of the rural water supply systems in Benin. In 2022, average water service coverage in rural communities stood at 73 percent at the national level compared to 42 percent in 2017. The program-for-results operation provides a framework to mobilize additional public and private financing for rural communities.

“This additional financing provides significant support for the 2021-2026 Government Action Plan and strengthens the national rural water supply program. It will assist with the government’s efforts to make drinking water available to the entire country in the near future,” said Romuald Wadagni, Minister of Economy and Finance and Minister of State.

This operation is also in line with the 2021-2026 Government Action Plan and with the World Bank Group’s 2018-2023 Country Partnership Framework for Benin.

*The World Bank’s International Development Association, established in 1960, helps the world’s poorest countries by providing grants and low to zero-interest loans for projects and programs that boost economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve poor people’s lives. IDA is one of the largest sources of assistance for the world’s 76 poorest countries, 39 of which are in Africa. Resources from IDA bring positive change to the 1.6 billion people who live in IDA countries. Since 1960, IDA has supported development work in 113 countries. Annual commitments have averaged about $21 billion over the last three years, with about 61 percent going to Africa.

Source: World Bank