هواوي تكشف النقاب عن منشأة مركز بيانات من الجيل التالي

دونغقوان، الصين، 27 مايو/ أيار 2022 / PRNewswire / — أفصحت شركة هواوي عن معالم منشأة مركز البيانات من الجيل التالي، كما رفعت الستار عن نظام إمداد الطاقة الجديد ( PowerPOD 3.0 ) وذلك في يوم 26 مايو/ أيار بمدينة دونغقوان، الصين. هذا وقد أثبتت الابتكارات الحديثة جدارتها، بفضل المساهمات الجماعية المستنيرة والجهود المتضافرة الحثيثة بين كل من فريق منشأة مركز البيانات في هواوي وخبراء الصناعة، حيث أعادت التأكيد على التزام شركة هواوي الذي تعهدت به: ألا وهو بناء مراكز بيانات ذكية منخفضة الكربون.

تقديم منشأة مركز البيانات من الجيل التالي

تولى السيد/ تشارلز يانغ، نائب الرئيس الأول في شركة هواوي والمدير التنفيذي لفريق منشأة مركز البيانات في هواوي، مهمة تقديم وطرح منشأة مركز البيانات من الجيل التالي بأسلوب مبتكر واستثنائي وذلك ضمن فعالية الإطلاق المخصصة لذلك، وقد ذكر خلالها أن الخبراء الفنيين والهيئات الصناعية قد توصلوا إلى اتفاق جماعي حول الخصائص الأربعة التي ستُحدد معالم منشآت مراكز البيانات من الجيل التالي وذلك عقب إجراء مباحثات مكثفة ومدروسة بحيث تراعي مفاهيم الاستدامة والبساطة والتسيير الذاتي والموثوقية.

الاستدامة:  من الجدير بالذكر أن منشآت مراكز البيانات من الجيل التالي ستكون صديقة للبيئة بالكامل وذات كفاءة في استهلاك الطاقة، وتضمن في الوقت ذاته تعظيم القابلية لإعادة تدوير كل مواد مراكز البيانات. وعلى هذا النحو، ستكون منظومة عمل مراكز البيانات كافةً مستدامة ومسؤولة بيئيًا. يمكن تدشين مراكز بيانات مستدامة عن طريق استخدام موارد على نحو مسؤول وصديق لبيئتنا -كالكهرباء والأراضي والمياه- مع الاستفادة من إعادة تدوير المواد المستخدمة في شتى مراحل العمل. وإلى جانب تطبيق نظام قياس فاعلية استخدام الطاقة ( PUE ) المستعمل بشكل كبير، سيجري تطبيق أنظمة قياس أخرى، بما في ذلك فاعلية استخدام الكربون ( CUE ) وفاعلية استخدام المياه ( WUE ) وفاعلية استخدام الشبكات (GUE) ، بهدف قياس مدى استدامة مراكز البيانات.

البساطة:  تُعد التصميمات الهندسية المُبسَّطة ونُظم إمدادات الطاقة والتبريد تجسيدًا حيًا للتطور الذي تشهده مرافق مراكز البيانات.

تساهم التصميمات الهندسية المُبسَّطة في إبداع هيكلياتٍ مبتكرة للمباني وغُرف المعدات، وفي حال الاستعانة بوضع التشييد المعياري مُسبَق التجهيز لإنشاء مركز بيانات بسعةٍ تبلغ 1000 رف، يُصبح من الممكن تقليل الفترة التي تستغرقها أعمال التشييد من مدة تتجاوز 18 شهرًا إلى مدة تتراوح بين 6 إلى 9 أشهر.

تعمل إمدادات الطاقة المُبسَّطة على وضع تصوُّر جديد لكل من المكونات والتوصيلات، فهي تخفض المدة التي تتطلبها عملية التسليم من شهرين إلى أسبوعين. يعمل نظام التبريد المُبسَّط على رفع كفاءة التبادل الحراري من خلال تحويل التبادلات الحرارية المُتعدّدة إلى تبادل حراري واحد وتقليص المدة التي تحتاجها عملية توصيل التبريد.

التسيير الذاتي:  تساهم أتمتة عمليتي التشغيل والصيانة وتحسين كفاءة استهلاك الطاقة وذاتية عملية التشغيل في إعادة هيكلة نظام إدارة تشغيل مراكز البيانات وصيانتها. فضلاً عن ذلك، تسمح أتمتة عمليتي التشغيل والصيانة للمهندسين بإكمال فحص ما يصل إلى 2000 رف في غضون 5 دقائق عن بُعد. يؤدي تحسين كفاءة استهلاك الطاقة إلى توفير إستراتيجية تبريد مثالية عبر 1.4 مليون مجموعة أصلية في غضون دقيقة واحدة، وهو الأمر الذي يعني بدوره توفير تبريدًا ذكيًا. كما تعظّم ذاتية عملية التشغيل من قيمة الموارد المتاحة.

الموثوقية:  يضمن الأمن الاستباقي والتصميمات الهندسية الآمنة تنمية مستدامة وذات جودة عالية لمراكز البيانات. ويشير الأمن الاستباقي إلى استخدام البيانات الكبيرة وتقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي لتنفيذ الصيانة التنبؤية، بداية من المكونات الفردية وحتى مراكز البيانات الكاملة، استنادًا إلى الرؤية والتصور لجميع النطاقات في مراكز البيانات. تقتضي الاستجابة التلقائية الخاطئة استغراق دقيقة واحدة فقط لاستكشاف العطل، وثلاث دقائق لتحليله، وخمس دقائق لإصلاحه. تضمن التصميمات الهندسية الآمنة السلامة على عدة مستويات منها المكونات والأجهزة والأنظمة. وعلى مستوى النظام، تُمكن المنصة الشاملة (E2E) ، القابلة للعرض التصوري البياني ولإدارتها والتحكم بها إتاحة النظام بنسبة تصل إلى 99.999%.

نظام إمداد الطاقة الجديد 3.0: نظام إمداد بالطاقة موفر للبصمة الكربونية والوقت واستهلاك الطاقة

كشف في جين فو ( Fei Zhenfu ) مدير التكنولوجيا التنفيذي في فريق منشأة مركز البيانات في هواوي أثناء الفعالية الستار عن الجيل الجديد من نظام إمداد الطاقة الجديد المعروف بنظام إمداد الطاقة الجديد 3.0، والذي من شأنه الحد من البصمة الكربونية بنسبة 40%، ويوفر من استهلاك الطاقة بنسبة 70%، ويقلص من مدة التسليم من شهرين إلى أسبوعين، كما يقلل من معدل أخطاء اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة بنسبة 38%.

ستمثل الابتكارات التكنولوجية حجر الارتكاز الرئيسي الذي يضمن تحقيق تنمية مستدامة في خضم السعي الرامي إلى إنشاء مراكز بيانات من الجيل التالي. ومع تطلعها إلى المستقبل، ستواصل هواوي تحقيق الانطلاقات في المنتجات والتقنيات من خلال الاستثمار المستمر في البحث والتطوير، علاوة على تعاونها المستمر مع العملاء وشركاء منظومات العمل والمؤسسات الصناعية. يمكننا معًا جلب حقبة جديدة من تطوير مركز البيانات.

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New Era of Israel-Morocco Business Ties Launches Following “Morocco-Israel Connect to Innovate” Conference Bringing Together 250 Business Leaders

– Israel’s Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation spoke about the two countries’ complementary strengths at the closing ceremony

– Climate emerges as the countries’ main shared challenge requiring cooperation on multiple fronts, especially energy, water, agriculture, and logistics

– Start-Up Nation Central enters a series of partnerships with Moroccan counterparts to work on solving mutual human capital challenges 

CASABLANCA, Morocco, May 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A new era of Israel-Morocco Business ties has launched following the successful “Morocco-Israel Connect to Innovate” conference which took place in Casablanca this week. The event, co-organised by Start-Up Nation Central, a non-profit organization that promotes Israeli innovation around the world and Morocco’s CPR, brought together government officials and 250 business leaders from the two countries and focused on ways to collaborate in the agrifood-tech, watertech, energy, logistics, and human capital sectors. These are areas of focus in H.M. King Mohamed VI’s multi-year economic and social roadmap, The New Development Model.

Start-Up Nation Central CEO Avi Hasson with Israeli Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, Orit Farkash-Hacohen, courtesy of Start-Up Nation Central

“Let us join forces and connect to innovate, to give a chance for peace for the sake of our children and the safety of all,” H.E. Mr. Andre Azoulay, Advisor to King Mohammed VI said.

Israel’s Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Orit Farkash Hacohen, headlined the closing ceremony of the conference shortly after signing a new cooperation agreement in the fields of AI, agricultural technologies, water-tech, energy, healthcare, space, and automotive with her Moroccan counterpart, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, H.E. Abdellatif Miraoui.

“There is great potential for Israel’s high-tech industry in the Kingdom of Morocco, in the fields of water desalination and other water technologies, renewable energy, agriculture, sustainability, and more,” said Minister Farkash- Hacohen. “The strengths of the Israeli innovation industry have complimentary business opportunities in Morocco. We will continue to support the maximization of the economic potential between Morocco and Israel. There is a lot to aspire to.”

“The last three days here in Casablanca have proven that there is a genuine desire by government leaders and business people from both Israel and Morocco to work together and form meaningful business partnerships. By bringing together 250 senior members of the public and private sector for a series of constructive meetings and engaging sessions, we have entered a new era in binational relations, one founded on innovation,” Start-Up Nation Central CEO Avi Hasson said. “In less than 24 hours since the conclusion of the conference, we have already seen new collaborations and deals made as a result of Israeli and Moroccan business people meeting at the event. There will be additional significant deals announced in the weeks to come, including the launch of many partnerships to solve the two nations’ human capital challenges. On behalf of our team, I would like to thank the Moroccan government and all our partners in the Connect to Innovate conference. The historic event marked the start of our shared innovation journey. But this is only the beginning.”

Binational business ties, slow to form following the signing of the normalization agreement and renewed diplomatic relations in late 2020, received a boost during the conference with the signing of a series of commercial agreements and MOUs that paved the way for more robust relations going forward. What emerged from the many discussions was that Israel and Morocco share many of the same challenges, particularly when it comes to tackling the climate crisis and both its immediate and longer-term ramifications and the understanding that it is a challenge that cuts across all industries that demands solutions from multiple disciplines that must also stem from cross-border collaborations. Israel, with more than 700 climate-tech companies, and Morocco, with its leading position in the field of alternative energy, and particularly solar technology, are well-positioned to tackle the challenge through joint initiatives that will aid not only the people of the MENA region but all over the globe.

To ensure the success of the conference, Start-Up Nation Central partnered with key Moroccan businesses and governmental agencies, including the Confederation Generale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM); AMDIE; ONEE; Crédit Agricole du Maroc; ADD; The Foundation for Research, Development, and Innovation in Science and Engineering (FRDISI); UM6P; Ithmar Capital; Tamwilcom; AMDL; SNTL, and Lina Holding.

About Start-Up Nation Central: Start-Up Nation Central is a non-profit organization that connects Israeli innovation to the world in order to help international entities solve global challenges. Immersed in the Israeli technology ecosystem, we provide a platform that nurtures business growth and generates partnerships with corporations, governments, investors, and NGOs to strengthen Israel’s economy and society. For more information, visit: https://startupnationcentral.org/

Click here  for the full list of partners and innovative companies who took part in the conference.

Oracle Red Bull Racing to Unveil 2022 NFT Collection at the Monaco Grand Prix, Powered by Bybit and Tezos

MONACO – Media OutReach – 27 May 2022 – Oracle Red Bull Racing is set to take its fans even closer to the action with the launch of its second series of digital collectibles with a one-of-a-kind auction at the Monaco Grand Prix.

This next generation of Oracle Red Bull Racing NFTs will be minted on the Tezos blockchain and available on Bybit’s NFT Marketplace, bringing together two of the Team’s key Partners to collaborate for the first time. The second season of Oracle Red Bull Racing’s NFTs will connect fans to the Team, and its memorable moments through a series of limited edition pieces of digital memorabilia, each marking an exclusive aspect of Oracle Red Bull Racing’s past, present and future.

To mark the launch of the 2022 NFT collection, the series will open with the release of a truly unique collectible to be auctioned over the week of the Monaco Grand Prix. A special one-off Monaco-edition Playseat simulator rig will be on display, and seeing some racing action with drivers and Red Bull Athletes during the race weekend. Whilst at the same time an NFT auction will be underway, with the highest bidder receiving both a digital version of the one-off seat for their memorabilia collection and rights to claim the actual one-off Playseat from the Monaco Energy Station.

Each limited-edition piece from the Team’s ever-expanding NFT collection will be minted on the energy-efficient Tezos Blockchain. A pioneering, constantly evolving open-source blockchain for assets and applications, Tezos leverages the power of blockchain in a secure, scalable, upgradeable and sustainable way.

In an exciting new development, the assets will for the first time be listed by Principal Team Partner Bybit on its industry-leading NFT marketplace. It will also be the NFT marketplace in which the latest Oracle Red Bull Racing digital collectibles will be showcased. Bybit was established in March 2018 and is currently the fastest-growing cryptocurrency exchange offering crypto traders an ultra-fast matching engine, innovative online spot and derivatives trading services, earnings and savings products, as well as a popular NFT marketplace. With significant market depth and best-in-class liquidity, Bybit enables traders to enjoy maximum profitability while delivering reliable solutions to their trading challenges with multilingual customer support.

Oracle Red Bull Racing Team Principal and CEO Christian Horner said: “The second season of our highly-prized digital collectibles continues our mission to put at the heart of Oracle Red Bull Racing — on track, in the garage and at the factory. Each limited-edition piece showcases a moment in time for the Team in stunning detail and they are designed to immerse fans in our world, in our quest for victory and in great moments from the Team’s history. It’s therefore fitting that we are launching the latest collection here in Monaco. Thanks to our cutting-edge partnerships with Bybit and Tezos, pioneers in the exciting digital asset space, we can bring limited edition pieces of future F1 heritage to our fans around the world in an immersive, accessible and affordable way.”

Bybit Co-Founder and CEO Ben Zhou said: “Bybit’s partnership with Oracle Red Bull Racing marks another milestone towards Bybit’s vision to bringing the metaverse to global communities, reinventing and enriching the fan experience. We look forward to using Bybit’s innovative technologies to bring Oracle Red Bull Racing fans from all across the world closer to the Team with this initiative.”

The Oracle Red Bull Racing 1 of 1 Playseat Auction, in association with Bybit and Tezos, will start at 6AM BST time on May 26, 2022 and will end at 11:59PM BST time on May 31, 2022. Bidding will be hosted on the Bybit NFT Marketplace (https://go.bybit.com/e/eoEuhjZalqb) and bidders must bid at least 5% more than the current highest bid. The revenue from the Playseat will be given to Wings For Life, a not-for-profit spinal cord research foundation that aims to find a cure for spinal cord injury. Details of future collectibles will be announced shortly before each drop.

About Bybit

Bybit is a cryptocurrency exchange established in March 2018 that offers a professional platform where crypto traders can find an ultra-fast matching engine, excellent customer service and multilingual community support. The company provides innovative online spot and derivatives trading services, mining and staking products, an NFT marketplace as well as API support, to retail and institutional clients around the world, and strives to be the most reliable exchange for the emerging digital asset class. Bybit is a proud partner of Formula One racing team, Oracle Red Bull Racing, esports teams NAVI, Astralis, Alliance, Virtus.pro, Made in Brazil (MIBR) and Oracle Red Bull Racing Esports, and association football (soccer) teams Borussia Dortmund and Avispa Fukuoka.

For more information please visit: https://www.bybit.com/

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SANY’s international business picking up speed

CHANGSHA, China, May 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — SANY, the fast-growing Chinese construction equipment manufacturer, was never hindered by the pandemic in its pace of internationalization. Instead, its market coverage and product share outside the Chinese market enjoyed a boost, with the company’s increased investment in R&D, sales, service and staffing.

SANY's international business

Data shows that the company is on track to become a global giant. In 2021, the company achieved overseas revenue of $314.5 million USD, a year-on-year increase of 54%, and a compound growth rate of 30.1% in the past three years.

Take mining equipment and logistics equipment for example.

The overseas sales revenue of mining equipment achieved $133.6 million USD in 2021 (101.1% year-on-year increase) while the figure for logistics equipment was $180 million USD (a year-on-year increase of 31.2%). Europe, Southeast Asia and the United States were the fastest growing markets, with growth rates of 95.7%, 48.1% and 42.1%, respectively.


SANY’s second-generation 70+ t fuel-powered, electric, wide-body vehicles and 100-300 t electric-wheel mining vehicles have been launched. As for logistics equipment, a complete product spectrum was formed for the European and American markets, offering a full range of electric reach stackers, stackers and automated and large-scale remote-controlled quay crane products.


While SANY mining equipment focuses on six main regions including India, Central Asia and Africa, logistics equipment focuses on Europe, America and Asia-Pacific markets. Across the globe, robust dealer systems have been established which have been generating stable sales volumes.


Knowing that after-sales service is key to the customer experience, SANY is continually optimizing its international service strategy to adapt to the international market environment. Localization and on-line transformation for spare parts distribution and service provision continue to be a work in progress.

2022: Great acceleration

The first quarter of 2022 witnessed even greater growth of 161% year on year, a result attributable mainly to the company’s steady improvements in the areas of management, digitization, electrification and internationalization. Almost all product lines are now growing at an unprecedented growth rate in international sales, with mining machinery at 255% and logistic equipment at 98.8%. New sectors the company has recently entered also look promising, with a 105% year-on-year growth being recorded in the sales of robotic products such as intelligent logistics AGV, high-voltage lithium forklifts and three-dimensional smart warehouses, among others.

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Canton Fair Expands Global Partnerships to Promote Foreign Trade

GUANGZHOU, China, May 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — During the 131st Canton Fair, the China Foreign Trade Centre (CFTC) has signed cooperation agreements with the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry, among other industrial and commercial institutions from the Belt and Road countries and the RCEP member countries, to expand the Fair’s trade promotion service for global partners old and new. In addition, the Centre has established a strategic partnership with the ASEAN Furniture Industries Council and has strengthened collaboration with industrial associations and media outlets around the world, with the goal of leveraging industrial resources and media channels to conduct more professional marketing.

CFTC has launched the Canton Fair Global Cooperative Partnership Program (CFGPP) since 2004. Based on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, CFTC has built cooperative partnerships with overseas official trade promotion offices and industrial and commercial institutions that boast friendships with China, strong professionalism, and great influence. CFGPP has favored pragmatic and efficient cooperation in marketing, publicity, mutual visits and information exchanges. By sharing and integrating resources, members of the Program have enjoyed coordinated development.

Up to now, CFTC has established cooperative relations for the Fair with 170 global partners from 93 countries and regions, including official trade promotion offices, industrial and commercial associations, foreign chambers of commerce in China, leading multinationals and trade service providers, with 78 from 50 Belt and Road countries and 40 from all 15 RCEP member countries.

Steadily, CFGPP will become more international, market-oriented and professional, providing more quality services for global buyers and exhibitors and assisting the Canton Fair in its role as a platform for all-round opening-up.

Visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US for more opportunities.

ATFX is the Official Global Partner for the iFX EXPO International 2022

LONDON, May 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — ATFX was unveiled as the Official Global Partner for the iFX International EXPO 2022, taking place in Cyprus from 7-9 June 2022. Being the official global partner is a coveted honour that is envied by many brokers, given the international nature of the EXPO.

The iFX EXPO is the world’s first and largest financial business-to-business exhibition that has been taking place for over a decade. The expo brings together businesses and professionals from the broader financial services, online trading, and fintech sectors.

The Expo is viewed as a networking event where finance professionals can interact while exploring the different businesses represented at the Expo.

As a global partner, ATFX’s brand together with it’s institutional brand ATFX Connect will be visible to all attendees, attracting significant attention to the broker and its services. In addition, the broker will be showcasing its products and services from booth 156, and all attendees are welcome to see its cutting-edge services in action.

Being named a global partner is a significant achievement that a few brokers with well-respected brands bestowed. However, to be given this honour, a broker must have proven that its products and services are a cut above the rest since its brand will be associated with the EXPO organisers.

ATFX has established itself as a leading broker serving retail and institutional traders. Founded just a few years ago in 2017, the broker has carved a niche for itself driven by its focus on fintech as the main driver behind its business.

The CFDs broker has launched multiple fintech-based services that have improved services such as customer verification and onboarding and provided automated signals to all its clients regarding potential buy and sell trades.

ATFX Connect is the broker’s institutional business that serves high net worth individuals, institutions, hedge funds, and money managers. Its clients have access to Tier 1 bank liquidity, among other bespoke financial services customised to suit each client’s needs.

The volume of trades processed by ATFX has risen steadily over time, with the latest figures showing the broker’s trading volume surpassed $400 billion in Q1 2022. Therefore, it is clear that ATFX has earned its spot as the global partner for the iFX EXPO 2022.

ATFX is looking forward to meeting and interacting with its current and potential clients during the EXPO.

ATFX website: www.atfx.com
ATFX Connect website: www.atfxconnect.com

ATFX is an award-winning FX/CFD broker with a global presence offering customer support in over 15 languages. With over 300 tradable financial assets, including forex, cryptocurrency, precious metals, energy, indices, and shares traded as CFDs, ATFX is regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) in Cyprus.  ATFX is licensed by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) in Mauritius, and registered by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

ATFX Connect
Back in 2019, ATFX stepped into the Institutional arena to launch its Multi-Access platform ATFX Connect. The management’s vision was to expand the broker’s global presence and provide award-winning liquidity and customer service to the institutional community. With the focus on the professional investor, the ATFX Connect platform is designed to provide an efficient automated trading venue that delivers tailored liquidity solutions to Hedge Funds, Asset Managers, Brokers, Private Banks, and other financial institutions.