‫الإمارات تعلن عن جائزة تحدي تكنولوجيا الغذاء العالمي بقيمة 2 مليون دولار أمريكي لدعم الحلول المبتكرة في مجال التكنولوجيا الزراعية

المكتب الإعلامي لحكومة دبي- 4 أبريل 2022 /PRNewswire/ —  انطلق “تحدي تكنولوجيا الغذاء العالمي”، الذي يسعى إلى اكتشاف تكنولوجيا العقد القادم من الابتكارات والتقنيات التي ستغيّر ممارسات الزراعة التقليدية بكفاءة واستدامة خلال فعاليات إكسبو 2020 دبي، وأعلن اليوم عن مجموع جوائز بقيمة 2 مليون دولار أمريكي.

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يستهدف التحدي المشاريع الناشئة في مراحلها الأولى مثل فرق الأبحاث الجامعية الدولية ورواد الأعمال والشركات الصغيرة، حيث يستقصي الابتكارات المتعلقة بمسارين هامين هما ” إنتاج الغذاء” لمعالجة تحدي توافر ووفرة الغذاء وأسعار الأغذية، من خلال تمكين التحول إلى “الجيل القادم” من بدائل الأغذية الغنية بالعناصر الغذائية، و”فقد وهدر الأغذية” لضمان الاستدامة في سلسلة التوريد الغذائي بشكل عام.

ومع جوائز يصل مجموعها إلى 2 مليون دولار أمريكي، سيتم منح الفائزين فرصة لتطوير نماذج أعمالهم في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، مدعومين بمشاريع البحث والتطوير، وتسريع نمو هذه الشركات، والحوافز التجارية، والتوجيه اللازم لنقل المفاهيم الفائزة من مرحلة الاختبار إلى السوق. وتقبل الطلبات من جميع أنحاء العالم، مع التركيز على البلدان المتميزة بمجال التكنولوجيا الزراعية.

ويتم تنظيم تحدي تكنولوجيا الغذاء من قبل وزارة التغير المناخي والبيئة بدولة الإمارات و”تمكين”، وهي شركة مقرها أبوظبي تهدف إلى إطلاق مشاريع تسهم في ازدهار المشهد الاجتماعي والثقافي والتعليمي في دولة الإمارات من خلال عقد شراكات مع جهات محلية ودولية رائدة. وانضمت إليهما في النسخة الحالية من التحدي “أسباير”، ذراع مجلس أبحاث التكنولوجيا المتطورة والمخصّصة لإدارة برامج التكنولوجيا، والتي تشرف على تمويل مشاريع البحث والتطوير التكنولوجي في إمارة أبوظبي خصوصاً ودولة الإمارات عموماً. ويحظى كل مسار كذلك

بدعم الشركات الوطنية الرائدة، حيث تركز شركتا ” القابضة” (ADQ) و”سلال” على مسار إنتاج الغذاء، فيما تركز مؤسسة الإمارات على مسار فقد وهدر الأغذية.

وبهذه المناسبة، قالت معالي مريم المهيري، وزيرة التغير المناخي والبيئة في دولة الإمارات: “يحظى الأمن الغذائي اليوم بأهمية كبيرة أكثر من أي وقت مضى، فلم يعد العالم كما نعرفه، حيث يواجه العديد من التحديات في مختلف مراحل سلسلة الإمداد، كما أن تأثيرات التغيرات المناخية التي تفضي إلى الكثير من الاضطرابات تحد من مرونة سلاسل الإمداد واستدامتها، ومن هنا، تقع على عاتقنا مسؤولية إعادة التفكير بمستقبل قطاع الغذاء وابتكار ممارسات غذائية وزراعية مرنة بالاعتماد على أفضل التطورات التكنولوجية. يقربنا تحدي تكنولوجيا الغذاء خطوة من اكتشاف وتطوير بعض هذه الحلول، فهو يسلط الضوء على الدور الحاسم الذي يمكن للابتكار أن يلعبه لمواجهة تحدياتنا المشتركة”.

من جانبها قالت ريما المقرب المهيري، رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة “تمكين”: “إن مواكبة طموحات دولة الإمارات بعيدة المدى في مجال الأمن الغذائي يتطلب منهجيات جريئة تدعم الأفكار الإبداعية ونماذج العمل الجديدة، إلى جانب التعاون المكثف مع منظومة التكنولوجيا الزراعية العالمية. ويستقطب تحدي تكنولوجيا الغذاء كوكبة من أقوى الشركاء متعددي القطاعات القادرين على المساهمة بدفع عجلة التقدم وتحقيق الازدهار في دولة الإمارات من خلال دعم الحلول المستدامة والمجدية تجارياً والقائمة على التكنولوجيا”.

وبدوره شدد معالي فيصل البناي، الأمين العام لـمجلس أبحاث التكنولوجيا المتطورة، على أهمية تسخير التكنولوجيا المتطورة؛ حيث قال: “تعد دولة الإمارات اليوم من أكثر دول العالم تميزاً بمجال الابتكار وتسخير التكنولوجيا المتطورة لإيجاد حلول لعدد من أهم التحديات المجتمعية. ويقدم تحدي تكنولوجيا الغذاء دليلاً إضافياً ورائعاً على ذلك، حيث تستضيف دولة الإمارات أذكى العقول من حول العالم للتعاون واستكشاف الحلول والارتقاء بمجال التكنولوجيا الزراعية”.

 كما يعتبر كل من سوق أبوظبي العالمي، ومكتب أبوظبي للمقيمين و”كتاليست أكسيليريتور”، وصندوق خليفة لتطوير المشاريع داعمين رئيسيين للمسابقة.

وسيبقى باب المشاركة في تحدي تكنولوجيا الغذاء مفتوحاً حتى شهر يونيو، حيث سيتم وضع القائمة النهائية بأسماء المشاركين ومنح أفضل 10 فرق فرصة عرض نماذج أعمالهم خلال حفل توزيع الجوائز الذي سيقام في نوفمبر. ويمكن للمشاركين تقديم طلباتهم عبر الموقع الإلكتروني: www.foodtechchallenge.com.

يشار إلى أن النسخة الأولى من تحدي تكنولوجيا الغذاء تلقت 437 طلب مشاركة من 68 دولة، وتم تكريم الفائزين من أستراليا والمملكة العربية السعودية والإمارات العربية المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة.

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Company Secures Sought-after Industry Recognition for Its Advanced HVAC Solutions in Six Different Product Categories

SEOUL, South Korea, April 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — LG Electronics (LG) has been honored by the Air-Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) with a Performance Award for the fifth year in a row.

LG Air-cooled Inverter Scroll Chiller

Established in 1953, AHRI is a globally-respected trade association currently with more than 350 member companies and representing the world’s HVAC, refrigeration, and water heating solution manufacturers.

For the Performance Award, AHRI enlists the services of Intertek, a leading third-party standards, certification and testing organization, to assess if actual product performance is consistent with the specifications listed by the manufacturer. Only those companies whose HVAC offerings have passed the primary performance evaluation for three consecutive years are considered for the Performance Award.

A total of 55 LG HVAC solutions across six categories passed AHRI’s stringent evaluation process, marking the third year in a row from 2019 to 2021 that all products submitted by LG have done so. The tested models belong to the following categories: Variable Refrigerant Airflow (VRF), Unitary Small Heat Pump (USHP), Air-Cooled Chillers, Water-Cooled Chillers, Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps (PTHP), and Room Fan Coil Units.

LG Multi V 5

One of the more-than-fifty LG products evaluated included the LG Multi V large-capacity outdoor unit, which utilizes the company’s own Ultimate Inverter Compressor to provide outstanding performance and energy efficiency. Popular worldwide, and especially in Northern hemisphere countries where winters can be long and harsh, LG’s flagship VRF system delivers dependable heating operation, even in temperatures as low as negative-30 degrees Celsius (negative-22 degrees Fahrenheit).

Also tested was LG Multi V Water, a water source cooling system offering better thermal efficiency thanks to the implementation of plate-type heat exchanger. LG’s solution also reduces energy consumption by adjusting the volume of water used.

The air-cooled Inverter Scroll Chiller also leverages advanced inverter technology to achieve a high level of efficiency. Its compactly designed unit delivers an impressive performance without taking up as much space as other models in its class.

“Earning the AHRI Performance Award for a fifth consecutive year is a testament to the quality, performance and reliability built into every LG HVAC solution,” said James Lee, head of the Air Solution Business Unit at LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company. “The trust customers have in our products is a major reason for our ongoing success, both in North America and all around the globe. By offering innovative solutions that maximize customer value, we will continue to strengthen our position in the HVAC market and bolster our reputation as an industry leader.”

About LG Electronics Air Solution Business Unit

LG air conditioning provides optimized solutions for every sector and climate with a wide range of cutting-edge systems that bring exceptional heating, ventilation and air conditioning performance to buildings worldwide. Through our unmatched expertise and industry knowledge, we respond directly to the needs of businesses seeking digitalized and eco-conscious HVAC solutions. We are the partner your business has been looking for, and are well prepared to integrate our leading technology into your day-to-day operations, supporting you and your business every step of the way. For more information, please visit www.LG.com.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1778638/image_1.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1778639/image_2.jpg

Rwandan Court Refuses to Lengthen Sentence of ‘Hotel Rwanda’ Hero

The Rwandan man portrayed as a hero in the movie “Hotel Rwanda” should not have his 25-year sentence extended to life in prison, a Rwandan court ruled Monday.

Paul Rusesabagina was convicted in September on eight terrorism charges for his role in a group opposing President Paul Kagame.

Rusesabagina said that he was a leader in the Rwanda Movement for Democratic Change but had no role in the group’s armed wing, the National Liberation Front, which has carried out attacks.

He refused to take part in the September trial, calling it a sham, and was not present at Monday’s ruling.

Prosecutors called the 25-year sentence too lenient.

His family has lobbied for his release, saying he is ill.

Rusesabagina saved around 1,200 people by sheltering them in a hotel during the country’s 1994 genocide, which saw over 800,000 killed.

Source: Voice of America

Libyan Artisans Restore Old Qurans for Ramadan

With the arrival of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in war-scarred Libya, a group of volunteers work around the clock to restore old or damaged copies of the Quran.

Khaled al-Drebi, one of Libya’s best-known restorers of Islam’s holy book, is among the artisans who arrive at a Tripoli workshop daily to meet the needs of the influx of customers during Ramadan.

For Muslims, Ramadan is a month of spirituality, where a daily dawn-to-dusk fast is accompanied with prayer and acts of charity — often translating into a surge in sales of Qurans.

“The purchase of new Qurans traditionally increases before the month of Ramadan, but this has recently changed in Libya,” Drebi told AFP.

For many, tradition has been interrupted by an increase in the cost of Qurans, especially “since the state stopped printing” them in Libya, he added.

The North African nation has endured more than a decade of conflict, leaving many of its institutions in disarray and dealing a major blow to the oil-rich country’s economy.

“The cost of buying (Qurans) has increased, and so the turnout for restoring old Qurans has gained unprecedented popularity,” Drebi said.

Compared to the cost of a new Quran — at more than $20 depending on the binding — Drebi’s workshop charges just a few dollars to restore one.

‘Indescribable joy’

But cost is not the only factor — for many, the older copies also have a sentimental value.

“There is a spiritual connection for some customers,” Drebi said, adding that many choose to preserve Qurans passed on from relatives. “Some say this Quran has the smell of my grandfather or parents.”

At the back of the room, Abdel Razzaq al-Aroussi works on sorting through thousands of Qurans based on their level of deterioration.

“The restoration of Qurans with limited damage takes no more than an hour, but for those that are very damaged, they could require two or more hours,” Aroussi said.

They “must be undone, restored and then bound,” he said — a meticulous process that requires a great deal of “time and concentration.”

Mabrouk al-Amin, a supervisor at the workshop, said the restoration process “requires a good number of artisans.”

“Working with the book of God is very enjoyable and we don’t get bored… there is an indescribable joy in this work,” he said.

Restorers say they have repaired a staggering half a million Qurans since the workshop opened in 2008, and more than 1,500 trainees have graduated from 150 restoration workshops.

Women restorers

In recent years, more and more women have been joining the ranks of the volunteer restorers.

“A large number of women were trained on restoring the holy Quran and today they have their own workshops,” Drebi said.

One female restorer, Khadija Mahmoud, has even held training sessions for blind women.

“We would not have been able to think of doing this… were it not for this capable woman,” Drebi added.

For Mahmoud, who trains women at a workshop in Zawiya, 45 kilometers west of Tripoli, restoring Qurans in a women’s workshop allows them to work comfortably and at a faster pace.

She added that the restoration work has given many women a meaningful way to fill their “spare time.”

“A large segment of trainees and restorers are retirees,” she said. “For them, there is nothing better than spending their spare time in the service of the Quran.”

Source: Voice of America

Nearly 100 die in new Mediterranean boat tragedy: UN, MSF

GENEVA— Nearly 100 people have died in international waters after setting off from Libya in an overcrowded boat, international organisations said.

A commercial tanker, Alegria 1, rescued four people from a life raft in the Mediterranean early Saturday morning, the Doctors Without Borders charity said.

“We know from our initial contact with Alegria 1 that the survivors reported being at sea for at least four days on a boat with nearly 100 people on board,” the charity, which goes by its French acronym MSF, said in a tweet.

According to a transcript of the logbook of exchanges with the tanker, the tanker said “around 96 people died in the water.”

The UN refugee chief reacted to the news Sunday, tweeting: “more than 90 people have died in another Mediterranean tragedy.”

“Europe has proven its ability to host 4 million refugees from Ukraine generously and effectively,” he said.

“It must now urgently consider how to apply this to other refugees and migrants knocking, in distress, at its doors.”

MSF meanwhile stressed that those rescued on Saturday “are in need of urgent protection and care.”

“None of the survivors should be returned to a place where they face detention, abuse and ill-treatment. Libya is not a place of safety,” it said.

Libya, wracked by a decade of conflict and lawlessness, has become a key departure point for African and Asian migrants making desperate attempts to reach Europe.

Migrants often endure horrific conditions in Libya before embarking northwards on overcrowded, often unseaworthy vessels that frequently sink or get into trouble.

The European Union has faced criticism for its close cooperation with the Libyan Coast Guard to cut numbers of migrants arriving on European shores.

On their return, many face further horrific abuses in detention centres.

Prior to the latest tragedy, the UN’s International Organization for Migration had recorded 367 deaths in the Mediterranean so far this year, after registering 2,048 such deaths in 2021.