‫الصين تصادق على أول شحنة من البترول الخالي من الكربون ذو دورة الحياة الكاملة

حصلت شركة سينوبك (Sinopec) على أول شهادة بترول خالٍ من الكربون صادرة عن شركة شانغهاي للبيئة وتبادل الطاقة (SEEE)

شانغهاي, 23 سبتمبر 2021 — /PRNewswire/ أصدرت شركة شانغهاي للبيئة وتبادل الطاقة (SEEE) أول شهادة بترول خالٍ من الكربون لشركة سينوبك (HKG:  0386, “Sinopec“) وكوسكو للشحن (Cosco Shipping) وخطوط شرق الصين الجوية (China Eastern Airlines)، وذلك في حفل إصدار الشهادات لأول شحنة للصين من البترول الخالي من الكربون ذو دورة الحياة الكاملة، والذي تم عقده في 22 سبتمبر في شانغهاي بالصين.

Production Facility of Sinopec Gaoqiao Petrochemical Corporation.

اتخذت كل من شركة سينوبك وكوسكو للشحن وخطوط شرق الصين الجوية مزاياها الخاصة لتطوير ممارسة مبتكرة بشكل مشترك لبناء “نموذج جديد للنقل الأخضر”، واستكشاف مسار خالٍ من الانبعاثات وذو دورة كاملة عبر الصناعات – وهو ما يمثل أهمية بارزة في الوقت الذي تقوم فيه قطاعات النقل والطاقة بالصين بالترويج للوصول إلى ذروة انبعاثات الكربون وتحقيق الحياد الكربوني.

وقد تم إنتاج النفط الخام لمشروع البترول الخالي من الكربون هذا من حصة “شركة سينوبك الدولية للتنقيب عن وإنتاج البترول” من النفط في أنجولا، وتم استيراده من قِبَل يونيبيك (Unipec) وهي الذراع التجارية لـ سينوبك مع كوسكو للشحن باعتبارها الناقل. وقطعت شحنة النفط الخام أكثر من 9300 ميل بحري عبر المحيط الأطلسي والهندي والمحيط الهادئ، ووصلت إلى ميناء نينغبو تشوشان.  كما تم نقل 30000 طن من النفط الخام في وقت لاحق إلى مصفاة شركة سينوبك جاوتشياو للبتروكيماويات.

ستُطلِق سينوبك رسميًا منتجات البنزين والديزل الخالية من الكربون للجمهور في محطات الوقود المحددة هذا العام.  وفي أثناء ذلك، ستقوم سينوبك بتزويد خطوط شرق الصين الجوية بـ 5417 طنًا من وقود الطائرات من أجل عمل رحلات طيران خالية من الكربون كجهد مشترك.

ولتعويض انبعاثات الكربون الناتجة طوال دورة حياة شحنة النفط، نفذت كل من سينوبك وكوسكو للشحن وخطوط شرق الصين الجوية استراتيجيات توفير الطاقة والحد من الانبعاثات بشكل فعال، واشترت أرصدة كربون الحد من الانبعاثات المعتمد الصيني (CCER)، وتعاقدت مع SEEE باعتبارها هيئة إصدار شهادات الخلو من الكربون.

Logo (PRNewsfoto/Sinopec)

وقد دعا المشروع شركة اعتماد جمعية التصنيف الصينية (CCSC) باعتبارها وكالة تحقق تابعة لجهة خارجية لقياس ثاني أكسيد الكربون المنتَج طوال دورة الحياة بأكملها، بدءًا من استغلال ونقل وتخزين وتكرير النفط إلى استهلاك المنتَج بدقة، ثم تعويض الانبعاثات بالتساوي من أجل استكمال أول شحنة نفط خالٍ من الكربون في الصين.

لقد قامت الشركات الثلاث باستخدام مزاياها الخاصة من أجل الوصول إلى هدف مشترك.  وأخذت شركة سينوبك على عاتقها مسؤولية تعويض انبعاثات الكربون الناتجة عن استغلال وتخزين ومعالجة ونقل المنتجات البترولية وبنزين وديزل المحركات واحتراق غاز البترول المسال؛ كما تعهدت كوسكو للشحن بمسؤولية تعويض انبعاثات الكربون الناتجة عن نقل النفط الخام واحتراق الوقود البحري؛ وأخذت خطوط شرق الصين الجوية على عاتقها مسؤولية تعويض انبعاثات الكربون الناتجة عن احتراق الكيروسين في الطائرات.

قال لينغ ييكون، نائب رئيس مجموعة سينوبك، “سينوبك ملتزمة بتحقيق تنمية صديقة للبيئة ومنخفضة الكربون.  وقد حقق مشروع البترول الخالي من الكربون هذا حيادية الكربون من ‘المهد’ إلى ‘القبر’ مع كل قطرة نفط.  كما أنه أول مسعى لتعويض انبعاثات الكربون تقوم به الشركات عبر ثلاث صناعات، وتحقيق تغطية كاملة لتحييد الكربون في النقل البري والبحري والجوي.  هذا المشروع له تأثير إيجابي، وسنعمل على توفير طاقة أكثر أمانًا ونظافة وتنوعًا بينما نقوم بتلبية المتطلبات المستهدفة للوصول إلى ذروة الكربون وتحقيق حيادية الكربون”.

قطاع البترول لديه سلسلة عمليات طويلة مع عمليات تكنولوجية معقدة وصعوبات في حساب انبعاثات الكربون.  في مواجهة المعايير الجديدة لذروة الكربون وحيادية الكربون ولكي تتماشى مع الاتجاه العام لانتقال الطاقة، يجب على صناعة النفط والغاز إيجاد اتجاه إنمائي جديد صديق للبيئة ومستدام ويقلل من الكربون والانبعاثات.

تعاونت سينوبك مع كوسكو للشحن وخطوط شرق الصين الجوية من أجل تنفيذ أول شحنة للصين من تجارة النفط الخالي من الكربون ذو دورة الحياة الكاملة، وقياس وتعويض انبعاثات الكربون بدقة من المشروع.  وقد استكشفت هذه الشراكة مسارًا واضحًا لتحقيق تجارة النفط الخالي من الكربون من أجل إنشاء معيار صناعي ومثال يحتذى به لقيادة التنمية الخضراء والنظيفة للصناعة.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة سينوبك.

مجموعة جلوبال ليدر جروب تتوسع في المملكة المتحدة والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا

سولت ليك سيتي, 23 سبتمبر 2021 — /PRNewswire/ يسر مجموعة جلوبال ليدر جروب (Global Leader Group) أن تعلن عن إطلاق كيانها الجديد لمناطق أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا، والذي يُدعى جلوبال ليدر جروب EMEA (Global Leader Group EMEA). أدى الطلب المتزايد لعملائنا الدوليين في هذه الدوائر إلى توسعنا من مؤسستنا، التي يقع مقرها حاليًا في سولت ليك سيتي، في ولاية يوتا، بالولايات المتحدة.  الهدف هو الاستمرار في تقديم الدعم المحلي والخبرة في المملكة المتحدة وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا.

Richard Knight will head up the new division of the Global Leader Group.

 وستُقدِّم جلوبال ليدر جروب الآن خبرتها التي لا مثيل لها على المستوى الرفيع في بعض أكبر المؤسسات وأكثرها تعقيدًا في العالم، حيث تشارك تلك المعرفة واستراتيجياتنا القيادية المؤكدة في جزء من العالم يشهد نموًا تحوليًا هائلاً في المجالات التي نتعامل معها.  وعلى الرغم من أن لدينا سجلًا قويًا في خدمة الشركات الكبيرة، إلا أننا ملتزمون بأن نكون الشركة التي تساعد المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة والكبيرة على بناء وتنفيذ أفضل ممارسات القيادة.

وسيتولى ريتشارد نايت رئاسة القسم الجديد، وقد حقق سجلاً حافلاً من النجاح على مدار مسيرته المهنية التي استمرت 30 عامًا.  بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تمتد خبرته الدولية لما يقرب من عقدين من الزمان.  يقول نايت: “نحن في جلوبال ليدر جروب متحمسون لفرصة مواصلة السعي وراء شغفنا بالارتقاء بالمهن ومساعدة القادة على التطور والازدهار من خلال التجارب التحويلية”.

ويقول جوناثان نابروتزكي، المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لمجموعة جلوبال ليدر جروب، “من خلال قائمة الموهوبين التي لديها خبرة في العمل جنبًا إلى جنب مع رؤساء الدول وكذلك رؤساء الشركات متعددة الجنسيات، يكون فريقنا جاهزًا للغاية للفرصة والتحدي في العمل مع قادة من المملكة المتحدة وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا.

كما أضاف نايت أيضًا، “أنا متحمس للقيادة والشراكة الموثوقة مع المؤسسات لمساعدتها على بناء قادتها وتنفيذ استراتيجيتها وتلبية احتياجات عملائها.  لقد كان هذا في صميم حياتي المهنية، وأنا أتطلع إلى مواصلة هذه الرحلة التي تقود مجموعة جلوبال ليدر جروب في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا”.

جلوبال ليدر جروب هي شركة استشارية عالمية لتنمية القيادة الاحترافية والاستشارات الإدارية.  ونحن ملتزمون بإلهام القادة للعيش والقيادة بوعي.  وهي شركة من الممارسين الموثوقين الذين تقودهم العلاقات، وتشمل خدمات جلوبال ليدر جروب الاستشارات المهنية، وتنمية القيادة، والبحث التنفيذي، والتدريب على المبيعات، والتنمية المؤسسية والموارد البشرية الاستراتيجية.

 للتواصل الإعلامي: Elizabeth@globalleadergroup.comwww.globalleadergroup.com

الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1632431/Global_Leader_Group_Richard_Knight.jpg

Huawei Launches the Smart Port Solution to Help Build World-Class Ports

SHENZHEN, China, Sept. 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Huawei launched its Smart Port Solution at HUAWEI CONNECT 2021. As part of the Smart Customs Integrated Solution, the solution builds digital management capabilities based on all factors — people, vehicles, goods, enterprises, and places — in port scenarios to help build safe, efficient, and intelligent world-class ports, making cross-border trade safer and more convenient.

Ports of the Future — Intelligent, Sustainable, and Collaborative

Due to the changing global environment, growing population and urbanization in developing countries, cross-border e-commerce, and post-pandemic new normal, port management is facing more and more challenges. During the Customs Session, Mr. Zhou Yi, Managing Partner of Customs and Global Trade Services at Deloitte China, said: “Ports connect ecosystem stakeholders and supply chains. Therefore, they need to have core competitiveness for sustainable development, which will facilitate innovation across the value chain to support cross-border trade and other activities. There are five factors driving the modernization of ports: population, sustainable development, new patterns in business and trade, global environmental changes, and new technological developments. To be successful, ports must fully leverage new technologies to respond to new demands, achieve connectivity across all scenarios, process and utilize massive amounts of data more efficiently, adapt to green ecosystems, make sustainable development a competitive advantage, and build a collaborative ecosystem for economic zones near the ports.”

Huawei Smart Port Solution: Help Build World-Class Ports

As cross-border e-commerce gathers momentum in the increasingly globalized world, there is added regulatory pressure towards trade management and facilitation. In addition, the pandemic has also brought on new inspection and quarantine responsibilities to customs worldwide.

Ports are impacted hugely too with its modernization an important area of focus in the digital transformation of customs. The main goals of port digitalization are ensuring trade safety, improving clearance efficiency, cracking down on smuggling, and increasing customs tax revenue collection. Augustine Chiew, Chief Customs Expert in the Global Government Business Unit at Huawei, shared, “A multinational enterprise with businesses in 170 countries, Huawei has an international vision on port modernization. We hope to work with customs and ecosystem partners to develop secure, convenient, and efficient solutions to help nations build world-class ports.”

Huawei Smart Port Solution leverages leading technologies such as converged communications, AI, big data, and cloud computing to build an integrated digital foundation achieving synergy between cloud, network, edge, and device. The solution focuses on four areas: intelligent customs clearance, visualized collaborative command, convenient clearance services, and efficient comprehensive management. Working closely with leading customs ecosystem partners,multi-scenario solutions such as integrated online service platform, smart customs clearance and inspection, in-transit goods supervision, surveillance command center, and port campus management has been developed. These facilitates the integration of ports and logistics, enabling smooth port operations, and efficient customs supervision.

In particular, the Smart Customs Clearance Solution integrates computing, storage, network, and security capabilities. It brings together intelligent checkpoint, customs clearance system, as well as surveillance and command services, helping ports build one-stop smart customs clearance capabilities quickly. With the solution, the average deployment time is reduced by 60% and the vehicle clearance time to seconds, greatly increasing them overall intelligence and clearance efficiency of ports.

Nadim Abdulrahim, Expert of Global Government Industry at Huawei, said: “Based on the digital platform, Huawei is building a campus IOC and fully connected campus network to provide ubiquitous smart terminal awareness. The IOC facilitates personnel access, intelligent vehicle identification, all-domain situational awareness, emergency risk control, campus perimeter alarm, campus video patrol, intelligent pandemic prevention and control, and customs clearance situational awareness, covering people, vehicles, objects, and places all on one screen. It helps improve campus operation and service efficiency and achieves a truly secure and convenient smart campus.”

Chongqing Lianglu-Cuntan Free Trade Port Area is the leading comprehensive bonded zone among 14 in China and the only one among them that has both an airport and a water port. At HUAWEI CONNECT 2021, Mr. Shi Zhiyong, Director of the Smart City Administration Office of Chongqing Lianglu-Cuntan Free Trade Port Area, shared his experience of digital transformation: “Based on Huawei’s top-level planning, infrastructure network, and digital platform capabilities, the port area drives transformation in organization, management, processes, personnel, and facilities and develops five smart applications and a command center. So far, the port area now has 13 intelligent checkpoints, which enable customs clearance within seconds. A converged communications and IoT network has been built to achieve intelligent management of nearly 50,000 municipal facilities, covering the entire port area. The port can now access transportation big data, which effectively address problems such as traffic congestion, illegal parking, and speeding. With Huawei, the port area has built an industry-leading smart brain, which is now the center for information, surveillance, command, coordination, and emergency response. Operation status is now visible, with events controllable, and services much more manageable.”

Currently, digital technology is driving transformation in all industries. Using its advantages in ICT, Huawei will continue to innovate and develop smart port solutions. We will dive into digital, lead port modernization leveraging digital technology, unleashing the potential of smart customs. Huawei will facilitate digital transformation of customs and ports in countries worldwide, playing a key role in making cross-border trade safer and more convenient.

Huawei hosts HUAWEI CONNECT 2021 online from September 23 to October 31. The theme of this year’s event is Dive into Digital. We’re going to dive deep into the practical application of technologies like cloud, AI, and 5G in all industries, and how they can make organizations of all shapes and sizes more efficient, more versatile, and ultimately more resilient as we move towards economic recovery.

For more information, please contact our local team or check out https://www.huawei.com/en/events/huaweiconnect

Huawei Hosts an Energy Summit — Digital Energy, Powering the Low Carbon Era

SHENZHEN, China, Sept. 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Huawei hosted the Energy Summit online, which was held within the framework of HUAWEI CONNECT 2021 and themed “Digital Energy, Powering the Low Carbon Era”. During the summit, customers and partners discussed best practices in using new technologies to transition the energy industry toward carbon neutrality. Huawei also released the Global Energy Transition and Zero Carbon Development White Paper and shared its Energy Trans-Cube Strategy.

Energy Trans-Cube, Creating New Value for the Industry

After signing the Paris Agreement in 2015, more countries than ever before are committed to carbon neutrality and are taking positive actions to address climate change. Each one follows a different path, suitable to its resource profile, energy, and environment. “Despite the strong will to go carbon neutral, we need to take into account three challenges: green and low carbon development, economic development, as well as the security and continuity of energy supply. The convergence of energy transformation and digital transformation will pave the digital way for carbon neutrality,” said David Sun, Vice President of Huawei Enterprise BG and President of the Global Energy Business Unit. He added, “Huawei has developed a Trans-Cube methodology. It suggests that to get closer to a net-zero carbon intelligent energy system and achieve global zero-carbon development, we should build three core capabilities — net-zero carbon transformation, energy transformation, and digital transformation.”

David Sun, Vice President of Huawei Enterprise BG and President of the Global Energy Business Dept, delivering a speech at the Energy Summit

The first capability — net-zero carbon transformation — will help various industries manage their carbon assets, and implement de-carbonization actions suitable to their specific contexts. In the process, they will go from low-carbon to near-zero carbon, and eventually achieve carbon neutrality.

Then, energy transformation will make energy production and consumption more reliable, secure, and efficient, transforming from a single centralized system to a diversified, distributed, and integrated one. The ultimate goal is to achieve multi-energy coordination and optimize efficiency.

Last but not least, there is digital transformation. With data at its core, digital transformation will enable net-zero carbon transformation and energy transformation.

White Paper Release — New Ideas to Lead the Industry

According to Guo Xiaobo, Energy expert at Deloitte China, going carbon neutral means achieving energy transformation and zero-carbon development as soon as possible, using more renewable resources, changing the way we use energy, and using new technologies to reduce emissions. Based on this, the Global Energy Transition and Zero Carbon Development White Paper analyzes the key factors affecting energy transition, and proposes a new plan for the energy sector — building a net-zero intelligent energy system.

The said system focuses on interconnecting oil, gas, electricity, heat, and hydrogen systems, and aims to achieve secure, reliable, efficient, cost-effective, and clean energy. Anthony Hu , Chief Representative for Energy Transition (Carbon Neutrality), Global Energy Business Unit of Huawei Enterprise BG, said, “The architecture of the net-zero intelligent energy system will interconnect the energy system, carbon system, and ICT infrastructure as well as eventually converging energy, carbon, information, and value flows. Gradually, it will form a system with data at its core, promoting the digitalization of the energy industry.”

Drive Data to Barrel, Embrace Intelligence to Grow

The digital transformation and intelligent development of the oil and gas industry is still in its infancy. According to Lv Gongxun, Senior Consultant of Huawei and Former General Manager of China National Corporation for Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas (CNODC), digital transformation signals four opportunities for the industry: rebuilding business models, transforming management models, innovating business models, and accelerating transformation and value growth.

Lv Gongxun also discussed the value of cloud for the oil and gas industry: “Cloud technologies enable centralized information resource planning, intelligent management and control, flexible provisioning, convenient services, and high security and efficiency. They will transform the existing business models.”

Power grids are another important area of energy transformation, rapidly evolving with new technologies. In this context, Felix Chifwaila, Senior Manager of Electro-Technical Services at ZESCO, introduced the role of video and AI in improving grid O&M capabilities. For example, visualizing channel data leads to fewer operational risks and makes inspection 80 times more efficient. Video and AI also help detect potential faults in time, helping eliminate 90% of power outages every year. Having an intelligent inspection platform and apps leads to 30% more efficient emergency response and maintenance. Mr. Chifwaila noted, “ZESCO is looking forward to continued cooperation with Huawei, helping ZESCO become a regional power hub in digital transformation.”

ICT and OT Drive Energy Digital Transformation

“As an Operation Technology (OT) system service provider, DFE actively cooperates with ICT vendors, including Huawei, to complement each other’s strengths, promote energy digital transformation, and build intelligent and innovative solutions.” — Fang Zhengji, General Manager of DFE. He introduced the innovative solutions DFE developed with Huawei — Intelligent Substation Inspection System and Automatic Transmission Line Inspection System. Powered by DFE and Huawei technologies, the two solutions help enterprises further their digital and intelligent transformation.

Like many others, Huawei started out as a non-digital native enterprise. This means that the company has accumulated extensive experience and lessons learnt through both internal projects and industry practices. It has a first-hand understanding of the challenges traditional enterprises face during digital transformation and has paved a “digital way” for the transformation and development of the energy industry.

Huawei hosts HUAWEI CONNECT 2021 online from September 23 to October 31. The theme of this year’s event is Dive into Digital. We’re going to dive deep into the practical application of technologies like cloud, AI, and 5G in all industries, and how they can make organizations of all shapes and sizes more efficient, more versatile, and ultimately more resilient as we move towards economic recovery. For more information, please contact our local team or check out https://www.huawei.com/en/events/huaweiconnect

For more information about the Global Energy Transformation and Zero Carbon Development White Paper, click Global Energy Transition and Zero Carbon Development White Paper

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1633758/image.jpg

Head of Libyan Presidency Council announces plan to hold international conference

“Libya is at a critical juncture – indeed a defining moment,” Mohamed Younis Menfi, President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Unity, told world leaders during his in-person address to the UN General Assembly’s annual debate.

“Either we succeed in our democratic transition through free, fair, and transparent elections, the results of which are acceptable to all … or we fail and relapse into division an armed conflict,” he said, setting out a host of challenges to the country faces ahead of the polls.

Ceasefire holds, but challenges remain

Mr. Menfi said that despite heading off attempts to undermine the ceasefire and resolving any disagreements among the Libyan parties, and despite working with the joint military committee to open the road linking eastern and western parts of the country, “the issue of removing mercenaries and foreign forces from the country remains a real challenge.”

“In this regard, we call on the international community to shoulder its responsibility in supporting efforts to address [the challenges posed by foreign forces], with a view to securing the conducive environment for safe free, fair and transparent elections,” he said.

Since assuming Office, the Presidency Council, he said, had made considerable strides to ensure full implementation of agreed commitments, particularly the road map that is a product of the political dialogue, relevant UN Security Council resolutions, and the so-called Berlin Process, the German-facilitated effort supporting UN mediation to end the conflict in Libya.

“However, we are faced with serious challenges and fast-paced developments which compel us to consider more realistic and practical options to help avoid a political impasse that could undermine the upcoming elections and put us back at square one,” he said.

National talks followed by an international conference

With all this in mind, the President of the Presidency Councill made two announcements. First, he said that he would proceed on a track aimed at maintaining the political process and sparing the country further complex political crises.

This would focus on meetings among the stakeholders represented by relevant military and political institutions to facilitate an agreement on effective guarantees to maintain the political process and conduct free and fair elections with results acceptable by all Libyans.

“Working along this track requires a spirit of compromise from all, a spirit of responsibility and placing the interests of the State above all,” he stressed.

He noted that over the past years, Libya had seen several international initiatives and proposals aimed at resolving the crisis, none of which had enjoyed the necessary conditions for success.

So, he continued, to restore the sense of purpose and ensure that any future initiative would be Libyan-owned and Libyan-led, he announced a plan to host an international conference in October.

“Building on the previous outcomes on Libya, [the proposed conference] aims to ensure the continuation of international support in a unified consistent and coherent manner according to a comprehensive national vision” he declared, adding that the conference would be attended by relevant international bodies, as well as regional and international partners.

National reconciliation

Mr. Menfi went on to stress that national reconciliation would be critical to any political process and to achieving political stability. Therefore, the Libyan leadership had made this its utmost priority. It had established the High Commission for national reconciliation and launched the comprehensive reconciliation on 6 September.

He said many steps were being taken to restore trust among Libyans, the first which was the exchange of detainees and the release of a number of prisoners who had either served their sentences or been found innocent.

“But we all know that the road to reconciliation is long and arduous and to get to the end, applying transitional justice, truth, openness, acknowledging past wrongs, reparations and identifying the missing are all necessary. Only with these steps can we move toward a successful genuine national reconciliation,” he concluded.

Source: United Nations

Strengthening Multilateral Efforts: Resolutions Adopted at IAEA General Conference

Strengthening the IAEA’s technical cooperation activities, the effectiveness and efficiency of safeguards, and its work related to nuclear and radiation safety, nuclear science, technology and applications, were some of the resolutions adopted this week by Member States as the 65th annual IAEA General Conference concluded today.

The General Conference, held annually in Vienna, is an opportunity for all IAEA Member States to jointly consider matters related to the IAEA’s ongoing work, budget and priorities. This year over 1 600 participants attended the event either in-person or virtually, including delegates from 148 of the IAEA’s 173 Member States, and from international organizations, non-governmental organizations and the media.

In his opening statement on Monday IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi emphasized the need for global collaboration in order to effectively address common challenges – a need, he said, that the world had been starkly reminded of due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. He highlighted the ZODIAC initiative, which he defined as the nuclear science and technology contribution to the early detection of pathogens that become zoonoses and could unleash pandemics. ZODIAC will strengthen the preparedness and capabilities of countries to rapidly detect and respond to outbreaks of zoonotic diseases, and aims to create a global network to foster scientific collaboration and share information. It will benefit from the expertise of the joint laboratories of the IAEA and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and partners such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), as well as ongoing international initiatives working towards fighting zoonotic diseases. “This is a time for joint action, and this is a time where we are reminded about the importance of working together; about solutions that only multilateral efforts can bring about,” he said.

Conference delegates adopted a resolution on the implementation of the NPT (Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) safeguards agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, calling on the country, also known as North Korea, to come into full compliance with the NPT and to cooperate promptly with the IAEA in the full and effective implementation of IAEA comprehensive safeguards and abide by UN Security Council resolutions. Member States strongly support the IAEA’s continued enhanced readiness to play its essential role in verifying the DPRK’s nuclear programme. The Conference also adopted a resolution on the application of Agency safeguards in the Middle East.

Further resolutions were adopted on nuclear and radiation safety and nuclear security. The conference also adopted a resolution on staffing of the Agency’s secretariat, commending the wide range of measures implemented to improve the representation of women in the Professional and higher categories.

The General Conference approved the Agency’s Financial Statements for 2020, and Programme and Budget for 2022-2023.

IAEA resolutions and decisions will guide the IAEA’s implementation of activities in the coming year. The resolutions and decisions will be posted here as they become available.

By the end of the 65th General Conference, 80 Member States had pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2022. The total amount pledged against the 91,075,000 million euro Technical Cooperation Fund target for 2022 is 29,171,890 euros, representing 32.03% of the target.

The General Conference elected 11 countries to serve on the 35-member IAEA Board of Governors for the period 2021-2022. The newly elected Board members are Burundi, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Guatemala, Ireland, the Republic of Korea, Libya, Pakistan, Slovenia and Viet Nam.

The Conference also elected the Comptroller and Auditor General of India as the Agency’s new External Auditor for 2022-2027.

Scientific Forum and side events

A total of 79 side-events took place during the week showcasing the range of activities underway across the IAEA’s diverse areas of work.

A two-day Scientific Forum on ‘Preparing for Zoonotic Outbreaks: the Role of Nuclear Science’ focused on ways of preventing, preparing and responding to diseases that transfer from animals to humans (zoonotic diseases). Speakers highlighted the need for closer global coordination, collaboration and communication towards scientific advancements in research, early detection and monitoring of these diseases. The Forum brought together experts, government representatives and academics, who recognized the IAEA’s Zoonotic Disease Integrated Action (ZODIAC) as an important and timely global initiative. They further elaborated on techniques for detecting pathogens and monitoring zoonoses; on the animal-human interface and ways of identifying emerging and re-emerging zoonoses, on the role of radiation techniques in dealing with the impact of zoonoses on human health, and on the IAEA’s support to countries in this area.

High level speakers in the opening session included Qu Dongyu, Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Monique Eloit, Director General of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Khalid Ait Taleb, Minister of Health of Morocco, Ermira Gjeci, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Albania, Karen Najarro, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Honduras and Amadou Alpha Sall, Director of the Pasteur Institute in Dakar, Senegal. Jane Goodall, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute, and UN Messenger of Peace, and Christian Happi, Director of the African Centre of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases gave keynote addresses.

During the week, delegates from 26 IAEA Member States also took part in guided tours on offer of the IAEA laboratories at the Agency’s headquarters in Vienna and in Seibersdorf, Austria.

The Conference and all associated events were conducted in accordance with the Austrian authorities’ requirements regarding the COVID-19 pandemic; the number of delegates permitted to be present at the Plenary Hall at any one time was limited. Delegates unable to attend in person were able to participate in the proceedings in all official languages, virtually.

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency